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What Are You Looking to Create?

In today’s fast-paced business environment, creating something new requires more than just a great idea. It demands strategic planning, expert execution, and a keen understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Whether you’re a business leader, marketer, or project manager, the challenge often lies in turning your vision into reality. 

One of the most impactful decisions you can make is choosing to partner with a marketing agency. But what exactly are you looking to create, and how can a marketing agency help you achieve it?

Defining Your Vision

The first step in any creative endeavor is defining your vision. What is the purpose of your project? Who is your target audience? What message do you want to convey? Answering these questions is crucial because it sets the foundation for everything that follows. It helps you stay focused and ensures that your efforts align with your goals.

Setting Clear Objectives

Clear objectives act as a roadmap for your creative journey. They provide direction and help you measure progress. For instance, if you’re developing a marketing campaign, your objectives might include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales. Each objective should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Understanding Your Audience

Knowing your audience is vital to creating something that resonates with them. Conducting market research, analyzing demographics, and understanding consumer behavior are all part of this process. The better you understand your audience, the more effectively you can tailor your message and deliver value.

Crafting Your Message

Your message is the core of your creative project. It’s what you want to communicate to your audience. A compelling message is clear, concise, and emotionally engaging. It should reflect your brand’s values and connect with your audience on a personal level.

The Role of a Marketing Agency

Once you have a clear vision, the next step is bringing it to life. This is where a marketing agency can make a significant difference. Here’s how partnering with a marketing agency can help you achieve your creative and business goals.

Expertise and Experience

Marketing agencies are staffed with professionals who have specialized knowledge and experience in various aspects of marketing. From digital marketing and social media to branding and content creation, these experts can provide insights and strategies that you might not have considered. Their experience in working with different industries and clients allows them to understand what works and what doesn’t, helping you avoid common pitfalls.

Access to Advanced Tools and Technologies

Marketing agencies have access to the latest tools and technologies that can enhance your marketing efforts. From advanced analytics and automation tools to design software and content management systems, these resources can significantly boost your productivity and the effectiveness of your campaigns. Leveraging these tools, agencies can deliver more targeted, data-driven, and creative solutions.

Creative and Strategic Thinking

A fresh perspective is often invaluable. Marketing agencies bring creative and strategic thinking to the table, helping you develop innovative solutions that stand out in a crowded market. They can help you craft compelling stories, design eye-catching visuals, and create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Building an in-house marketing team can be costly and time-consuming. By outsourcing your marketing needs to an agency, you can access top-tier talent and resources without the overhead costs associated with full-time employees. This allows you to allocate your budget more efficiently, ensuring that you get the best return on your investment.

Scalability and Flexibility

One of the significant advantages of working with a marketing agency is scalability. Whether you’re launching a new product, entering a new market, or dealing with seasonal demand, an agency can scale its efforts to meet your needs. This flexibility allows you to adapt to changing market conditions and seize new opportunities quickly.

Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing your marketing needs to an agency allows your team to focus on what they do best. Whether it’s product development, customer service, or operations, you can concentrate on your core competencies while the agency handles your marketing efforts. This can lead to improved efficiency and better overall performance for your company.

Enhanced Performance and ROI

Marketing agencies are results-driven. They focus on delivering measurable outcomes and improving your return on investment (ROI). By leveraging their expertise, you can achieve better performance and higher ROI for your marketing campaigns. Agencies use data and analytics to track progress, make informed decisions, and optimize strategies for maximum impact.

Embracing Technology in Marketing

In today’s digital age, technology plays a significant role in marketing. Partnering with an agency that embraces technology can give you a competitive edge.

Leveraging Digital Tools

There are countless digital tools available that can help you create, design, and manage your projects. From graphic design software to project management tools, these resources can boost your productivity and help you stay organized.

Utilizing Data and Analytics

Data and analytics can provide valuable insights into your audience and help you make informed decisions. By analyzing data, you can identify trends, understand consumer behavior, and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. This information can guide your creative decisions and improve your overall strategy.

Embracing Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the marketing industry. AI-powered tools can automate repetitive tasks, generate creative content, and even provide personalized recommendations. By embracing AI, you can save time and enhance your creativity.

Cloud Collaboration

Cloud-based platforms enable real-time collaboration, allowing teams to work together seamlessly regardless of their location. This is particularly useful for global teams, as it enables them to share ideas, provide feedback, and work on projects simultaneously.

Full-Service Digital Marketing Solutions

A comprehensive approach to marketing encompasses various services that together create a cohesive and effective strategy. Here’s how a full-service marketing agency can support your business.

Vision Boards and Brand Strategy

Developing a clear brand strategy and vision board helps set the direction for your marketing efforts. Agencies can assist in creating a visual representation of your brand’s identity and strategic goals, ensuring all marketing activities align with your overall vision.

Rebranding and Brand Identification

If your brand needs a refresh or a complete overhaul, marketing agencies can guide you through the rebranding process. This includes redefining your brand identity, updating your logo and visuals, and ensuring your new brand message resonates with your target audience.

Graphic Design

High-quality graphic design is essential for creating visually appealing and effective marketing materials. Agencies offer a range of design services, from creating logos and branding elements to designing brochures, banners, and social media graphics.

Website Design and Development

A strong online presence starts with a well-designed website. Marketing agencies provide website design and development services that ensure your site is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and optimized for search engines.

Social Media Management

Effective social media management involves more than just posting content. Agencies can help you develop a social media strategy, create engaging content, manage your social media accounts, and analyze performance to improve your results.

TV and Ad Buys

Traditional advertising methods, such as TV commercials and ad buys, can still be highly effective. Marketing agencies can plan and execute these campaigns, negotiating the best rates and placements to maximize your reach and impact.

What Are You Looking to Create?

The journey of creation is unique for everyone. Whether you’re a business leader, marketer, or project manager, defining your vision, understanding your audience, and embracing technology can help you bring your ideas to life. By partnering with a marketing agency, you gain access to expertise, advanced tools, and creative thinking that can elevate your projects to new heights.

At the heart of creativity is the desire to make something meaningful and lasting. So, what are you looking to create? Whatever it is, remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Embrace the process, stay true to your vision, and let your creativity shine.

When considering how to best achieve your creative goals, think about the advantages of partnering with a team that combines expertise, technology, and a comprehensive approach to marketing. Such a partnership can provide the support and resources needed to bring your vision to life, ensuring that your creative endeavors are successful and impactful.

Power Up Your Business with Professional Design Decks: An Energizing Resource Guide

In today’s fast-paced business environment, making a memorable impact is more crucial than ever. A powerful tool to achieve this is the use of professionally designed decks. Whether you’re pitching to potential investors, presenting to clients, or conducting internal meetings, a well-crafted design deck can supercharge your communication and leave a lasting impression.

In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of professional design decks, how they can turbocharge your business, and why investing in them is a smart move for your marketing team.

Why Professional Design Decks Matter

  1. First Impressions Count Your design deck is often the first interaction potential. clients or investors have with your business. A visually appealing and well-organized deck can set the tone for your brand, demonstrating professionalism and attention to detail.
  2. Clear and Concise Communication A professionally designed deck ensures your message is communicated clearly and effectively. With the right balance of visuals and text, complex ideas become easier to understand, making your presentations more engaging and impactful.
  3. Brand Consistency Consistency is key in building a strong brand identity. Professional design decks help maintain this consistency across all presentations, reinforcing your brand’s visual identity and values.
  4. Time Efficiency for Your Team Having a set of reusable design decks saves your marketing team considerable time. Instead of starting from scratch for each presentation, they can customize existing templates, ensuring quick turnaround times without compromising on quality.

Key Elements of a Pro Design Deck

  1. Engaging Cover Slide The cover slide sets the stage for your presentation. It should be visually striking and include your logo, presentation title, and date. A professional design deck ensures this first slide captures attention immediately.
  2. Consistent Theme and Layout Professional design decks follow a consistent theme and layout, which helps in maintaining a cohesive look throughout the presentation. This includes consistent use of colors, fonts, and imagery.
  3. High-Quality Visuals High-quality images, icons, and graphics are crucial for a professional look. They not only make your deck visually appealing but also help in conveying your message more effectively.
  4. Readable Typography Choosing the right fonts and ensuring readability is essential. A professional design will use typography that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to read, ensuring your audience can follow along without strain.
  5. Data Visualization Charts, graphs, and infographics should be used to present data in a clear and engaging manner. A professional design deck will use these elements to simplify complex information and highlight key points.

Steps to Create Professional Design Decks

  1. Define Your Objectives Before creating your deck, define the purpose and objectives of your presentation. Knowing your goals will help in designing a deck that aligns with your message and audience.
  2. Gather Content Collect all the necessary content, including text, images, data, and any other relevant information. This will form the foundation of your design deck.
  3. Work with a Professional Designer Collaborating with a professional designer can make a significant difference. They bring expertise in visual communication and can transform your content into a compelling design deck.
  4. Use Design Software There are various design software options available, such as Adobe InDesign, PowerPoint, and Canva. These tools offer templates and design elements that can help in creating professional-looking decks.
  5. Review and Refine Once your deck is designed, review it thoroughly. Ensure there are no errors and that the design aligns with your brand identity. Make any necessary refinements to enhance the overall quality.

Benefits of Reusable Design Decks for Your Marketing Team

  1. Streamlined Workflow Reusable design decks streamline the workflow for your marketing team. They provide a solid foundation that can be customized for different presentations, saving time and effort.
  2. Cost-Effective Investing in professional design decks may seem costly initially, but it is cost-effective in the long run. The reusable nature of these decks means you get more value out of each design, reducing the need for frequent new designs.
  3. Enhanced Productivity With reusable design decks, your marketing team can focus on content creation and strategy rather than spending time on design. This boosts productivity and allows for more creative and strategic thinking.
  4. Improved Presentation Quality Reusable design decks ensure a high standard of presentation quality across all your marketing efforts. This consistency in quality can enhance your brand’s reputation and credibility.

Investing in professional design decks is a strategic move that can supercharge your business presentations and overall marketing efforts. By ensuring your decks are visually appealing, consistent, and reusable, you enhance communication, save time, and maintain brand integrity. Make the decision today to work with Power On Marketing and equip your marketing team with the tools they need to succeed.

Why is Lighting Important for Professional Photos

The importance of proper lighting in photography.

Lighting is a key factor in creating a successful image. Lighting determines not only brightness and darkness, but also tone, mood and atmosphere. Without lighting, you can’t create and expose a clear image. The light brings out the sharpness and details of the subject, so it’s very important that you expose the subject well.

Therefore, to take the best photos, it’s important to properly control and manipulate the light to get the best color and luminosity for your subject. By changing the lighting and shadows precisely, you can best highlight your subject and take the best professional looking photos.

When it comes to lighting, natural light is the best option for headshots or other professional photos, but sometimes it’s not the easiest option. If you’re shooting in the studio, lighting will be your best friend.

Positioning light

Scott Headshot

Where you place your lighting is very important and will have a big impact on how your subject is lit. Depending on where you place your studio lighting, your subject will look different in your photos and in the final result.

If the light is behind the camera and aimed directly at your subject, it’ll look very flat. Lighting from the side will bring out the subject better and create a small shadow that creates more of a 3D look. Tip: Make sure you match the height of the studio lighting to the height of your subject. If the shadow is too big, the photo will look more dramatic, which could be too much for a professional photo.

If you want to create a silhouette effect with headshots, you can keep the light source behind the person and use a strong light source to create a striking silhouette photo.

Hard light

If you’re using studio light, depending on the subject and the room, it can create too harsh a light for a professional photo. If the light is that harsh, it can cause too many shadows behind the subject or on the subject’s face.

If you add a diffuser to the light source, the harsh light and shadow can be reduced. This will also defuse imperfections on the subject and give it a healthy glow, like natural sunlight would.

Once you’ve achieved the best possible lighting with your studio setup, you can also edit the images in Adobe Lightroom. With the editing software, you can change color, balance, and temperature, enhance tones, sharpen, reduce noise, and crop images.

Lighting can make a big difference when taking pictures, because you want your subject to look as good as possible. Learning to use light to your advantage and get the best possible results from your setup will set your work apart from your peers and put you on the path to becoming a professional.


A Contact Relationship Management (CRM) program is simply a system for how your company does 4 things:

  • Coordinating How New Leads are Handled
  • Tracking Prospect Communications
  • Automated and Personal Activity
  • Automate the Sales Process
  • For Accuracy and Measurement
  • Providing avenues to grow business
  • fewer lost leads
  • more client retention and secondary sales
  • more measurable activity and analysis

OK, so that wasn’t exactly 4 things anymore than this series of business blogs is going to be 6 topics long when it’s all said and done. The reality behind the solution is that we are in a time where it’s not ok to simply rely on activity alone as a measurement of Salesforce automation success. There are fewer leads in the marketplace, the competition isn’t being lazy anymore, and every contact is valuable even if they don’t close right away.  Along with a great web design services and marketing with SEO, every business needs tools to manage their clients.

It is no longer a smart business decision to rely simply on rolodex, outlook reminders, or pad and pencil methods of trying to keep track on who needs to be called and other activities along the sales cycle. With cost effective solutions now available individual salespeople and smaller local businesses can now afford and manage Contact Relationship Management (CRM) solutions that can help them work more efficiently like a larger institution. With all that is on the line, the monthly expense of this kind of solution is negligible based on the potential return in efficiencies and sales that can be delivered. More to come…

Power On Marketing offers Website Development , Design and Online Marketing such as Search Engine Optimization in Tampa Bay, Florida. Call for a Free Consultation!


For any business, branding can truly affect the level of success you can achieve.  A brand is much more than a pretty logo. It’s what sets you apart from your competition while motivating employees.  Many proven business’ tend to give less attention to branding and focus more on funding and product development. This can be costly; branding is a huge component in building any business. Here are just a few reasons why you should focus more on branding:


In a world where most markets are saturated, the best way to stand out from the competition is brand recognition.  The advantage of being the first business to pop into someone’s mind when they are contemplating who to buy a product or service from is astronomical.


The importance of your company’s brand can be measured in dollars and cents. Having a strong brand ensures you will be top of mind in your target market, which in turn increases market share, sales and public image.  Brands are so valuable that larger organizations will put the value of their brand on their balance sheets.


A solid brand can do wonders for employee loyalty. When employees have a clear understanding of the common goal, everyone works harder and overall office morale increases. This also lets the public know exactly what the intentions of the business are.


Branding helps keep the overall image of the business consistent across all public outlets.  This, in turn, makes the brand stronger. In order to successfully stay consistent across all mediums, businesses must create a clear identity for what the brand stands for and apply this to all products/services offered.

In the end, your brand should represent a compelling promise to your target market and current customer base that is delivered at every level of the business.


From Myspace, to Facebook, Twitter and sites that are still up-and-coming, social media marketing has evolved into something that is more than a place for the posting of funny cat videos and sharing family vacation photos – it can be used for enhancing your own brand or business at a more personal level. With this being the age of all things digital and social, using these sites for business is a smart way to increase exposure to a larger, more personal audience. The issue with this is that some people seem to forget to consider when thinking about using social media for business is including it in their budget.

Although it may be free to start a page for your business, advertisements do cost money, and factoring this cost into your budget must be considered for effective marketing. It is also not something that should be thought of as a quick addition to any kind of marketing campaign – social media takes time and manpower to build as a helpful tool for increasing the productivity of your business or brand.

Today, nearly everyone is involved in some sort of social media. Whether it is as simple as having a Facebook for sharing pictures, to writing for a daily blog, social media is something that has become part of everyday life for a large percentage of people. These digital platforms can be more informal and come across to a larger crowd, while also appealing to a more relaxed audience all at the same time. Information is pushed across the digital realm in a quicker, more efficient way while allowing for it to be up to date and keeping up with the times. For example, if something were to happen or needed to be shared with the audience of your business the moment it happens, news could be spread in nearly real time. Obviously, this can be incredibly beneficial for a number of reasons for your business.

A website or app, such as Twitter, allows for a more personal approach to pushing out content. On Twitter, followers may favorite, retweet, quote, and respond to a tweet with ease. This creates a more personal atmosphere that may be created without having to deal with the hassle of the phone or email. It is informal, so responses can be quick and to the point, while still getting results. Many people like this for business due to the fact that it somewhat humanizes the company. For smaller companies, this creates a brand image and more social networking for future and potential customers, all while helping with website traffic and explaining what the company is capable of. This also gives larger companies a chance to put off the smaller business feel, while still allowing for the recognition of the large-name brand.

Another thing to note when considering social media is that if you are not on it, your competitor is. A huge percentage of the general public is on the Internet regularly, and with a large percentage of those people actively on social media, it gives more people a chance to learn about your business. The average person checks their various social media accounts several times a day, and with your company being on these same sites it makes for a convenient place to further promote and market. Being on these sites also boosts your brand name in search engines, which creates more results and places where potential customers can hear about you.

In conjunction with your complete marketing strategy, social media can raise the overall value of your company while keeping costs at a minimum. Joining these websites will cause not just a noticeable amount of increased website traffic, but a quantum leap. If one of your posts are shared by fan or audience member, all of their followers or friends will be able to view the post, and they may share it – this creates an exponentially growing base of people who are seeing your information and getting your business name out there. There are also sites, such as StumbleUpon, which allow customers to literally “stumble” onto your website after creating a profile which is tailored to their specific interests. This obviously creates a better chance for the people who are already interested in the genre in which your brand is located to see your website. These sites can be just as helpful as things such as Twitter and Facebook, and help to ensure that other people that share the same interests as your company see you.

This form of marketing is much more inclusive for everyone involved as well. Employees and staff can be more involved with the communication aspect of the company, while teaching the general audience about said brand or company. This allows for the building of a digital community on a grander scale. On the contrary, the consumers can tell a company directly, via Facebook wall or Twitter for example, exactly what they want and what they think. This opens the channel for a direct connection between the company and the consumer. They may tell you how much they adore a product of service, or how much they may hate it and what needs to be improved. The audience can let you know exactly what they want and why they want it – just ask a question or for opinions on a social media site, and you will get responses.

The next question normally asked when it comes to advertising on social media is if it is actually worth it to pay for advertisements on an otherwise free site. The answer is yes, you should. Leaving room in your budget for these sites allows for a whole other realm of audiences to be found. As an example in the most traditional way, a post is put on Facebook, pushed into the newsfeeds of the people who have liked the page, and only seen those same people. There is no new audience, nor is there any chance for a real increase in visits because these people have already seen your information. When someone pays the fee for a promoted post or page, this shows up in newsfeeds of people that may have not liked the page, but have similar interests of your company. With costs starting at as little as ten dollars for promoted posts on Facebook, this form of effective marketing is affordable for nearly every budget. In comparison to the cost of a traditional marketing scheme, this is a more “bang for your buck” deal, which allows the marketing of your company to be enhanced on a social platform.

Within your social media budget, search engine optimization and tools for social media must also be considered in addition to actual advertisements. SEO must be considered for your website to rank higher and receive more traffic, which promotes your business. Tools are available to make your life on these social media sites much easier as well. Sites such as Hootsuite, SocialBro, ManageFlitter, and many others offer an easier way to create, schedule, and manage content in a more streamline way. Buffer is also a good tool to consider, as it allows you to schedule and put content into queues for pushing out at a later date. Using these tools also gives you a way to look at the analytics and statistics of your visitors. These are a must for any social media marketing strategy and will help you exponentially.

Allowing for the space in your budget for social media marketing will be a strategy that will pay for itself many times over. These platforms can increase exposure and create a more human forum as a direct connection with your clientele or intended audience. If social media is something that you are already doing in your marketing strategy, considering the use of paid advertisements can greatly increase your results with minimum financial impact. To put it simply, if you aren’t advertising on social media, you are letting customers walk out the virtual door.

Power On Marketing