Plantz hero

Multi mockup plantz

Shutterstock 410941717

Mediamodifier image

Multi mockup plantz 2


A responsive designed website that not only highlighted their great service quality but also their high-end plants was developed. The main focus was on the performance of the website in the generation of leads.

After extensive research, Power On Marketing developed a comprehensive plan for targeting keywords and creating content. With these keywords, pay per click advertisements were created in order to direct customers to the information that directly related to the word or phrase that they were searching for.

The design of the website was completely redone in order to give it a fresh, contemporary look that enhanced the company’s existing color scheme. Power On Marketing also created a full catalog of the office plants available from PLANTZ as a way to further customer engagement.


Multi mockup plantz 1

Shutterstock 1


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Plantz logo color

SEO, Social Media, Digital Ad Campaigns, Web Design and Development, eCommerce


increase in sales
from SEO & PPC

Power On Marketing